Titles that we recommend are featured below. The ones with reviews are noted with an asterisk (*). Some titles are recommended with a caveat. At the end of this page, we provide a list of titles on this theme, with reviews, that we do not recommend.
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Alejandria Fights Back! / ¡La Lucha de Alejandria!
By Leticia Hernández-Linares, The Rise-Home Stories Project, and Robert Liu-Trujillo (Illustrator)
Alicia and the Hurricane / Alicia y el huracán: A Story of Puerto Rico / Un cuento de Puerto Rico *
By Leslea Newman, Elizabeth Erazo Baez (Illustrator), and Georgina Lazaro (Translator)
Areli Is a Dreamer: A True Story by Areli Morales, a Daca Recipient *
By Areli Morales and Luisa Uribe (Illustrator)
Barrio Rising: The Protest That Built Chicano Park
By María Dolores Águila and Magdalena Mora (Illustrator)
Best Believe: The Tres Hermanas, a Sisterhood for the Common Good
By Nonieqa Ramos and Nicole Medina (Illustrator)
Between Us and Abuela: A Family Story from the Border *
By Mitali Perkins and Sara Palacios (Illustrator)
Carlos And The Squash Plant / Carlos y la Planta de Calabaza
By Jan Romero Stevens, Jeanne Stevens (Illustrator)
Child of the Flower-Song People: Luz Jiménez, Daughter of the Nahua
By Gloria Amescua and Duncan Tonatiuh (Illustrator)
The Coquíes Still Sing: A Story of Home, Hope, and Rebuilding *
By Karina Nicole González and Krystal Quiles (Illustrator)
For All / Para Todos *
By Alejandra Domenzain , Katherine Loh (Illustrator), and Irene Prieto de Coogan (Translator)
La Frontera: El viaje con papa / My Journey with Papa*
By Deborah Mills, Alfredo Alva, Claudia Navarro (Illustrator)
A Gift from Papa Diego: Un Regalo de Papa Diego
By Benjamin Alire Saenz, Geronimo Garcia (Illustrator)
Gloriana, Presente: A First Day of School Story
By Alyssa Reynoso-Morris and Doris M. Rodríguez-Graber (Illustrator)
Hooray, It's Three Kings Day! A Picture Book for Epiphany
By Annette M. Clayton and Jone Leal (Illustrator)
Spanish: ¡Genial, Llegó El Día de Reyes!
Joelito's Big Decision / La Gran Decision de Joelito*
By Ann Berlak, Daniel Camacho (Illustrator), Jose Antonio Galloso
Just in Case: A Trickster Tale and Spanish Alphabet Book
By Yuyi Morales, Yuyi Morales (Illustrator)
Mamiachi & Me: My Mami's Mariachi Band
By Jolene Gutiérrez, Dakota Gutiérrez, and Mirelle Ortega (Illustrator)
Rainbow Weaver*
By Linda Elovitz Marshall, Elisa Chavarri (Illustrator)
Rene Has Two Last Names / Rene Tiene dos Apellidos
By Rene Colato Lainez, Fabiola Graullera (Illustrator), Gabriela Baeza Ventura (Translator)
Sharuko: El Arqueólogo Peruano / Peruvian Archaeologist Julio C. Tello
By Monica Brown and Elisa Chavarri (Illustrator)
Sofi and the Magic, Musical Mural / Sofi y El Mgico Mural Musical
By Raquel M. Ortiz, Maria Dominguez (Illustrator), Gabriela Baeza Ventura (Translator)
The Spirit of Chicano Park / El espíritu del parque Chicano *
By Beatrice Zamora and Maira Meza (Illustrator)
Still Dreaming / Seguimos Soñando
By Claudia Guadalupe Martínez, Magdalena Mora (Illustrator), Luis Humberto Crosthwaite (Translator)
Author Interview
That's Not Fair!/No Es Justo!: Emma Tenayuca's Struggle for Justice/La Lucha de Emma Tenayuca Por La Justicia
By Carmen Tafolla, Sharyll Teneyuca, Terry Ybanez (Illustrator)
A Thousand White Butterflies
By Jessica Betancourt-Perez, Karen Lynn Williams, and Gina Maldonado (Illustrator)
Un Tren Llamado Esperanza / A Train Called Hope*
By Mario Bencastro and Robert Casilla (Illustrator)
Until Someone Listens: A Story about Borders, Family, and One Girl's Mission
By Estela Juarez, Lissette Norman, Teresa Martínez (Illustrator)
Without Separation: Prejudice, Segregation, and the Case of Roberto Alvarez
By Larry Dane Brimner and Maya Gonzalez (Illustrator)
Yes, We Can!: Janitor Strike in L.A.
By Diana Cohn, Paul Mirocha, Francisco Delgado (Illustrator)
Maximilian & the Mystery of the Guardian Angel: A Bilingual Lucha Libre Thriller
By Xavier Garza (Illustrator)
Niños: Poems for the Lost Children of Chile
By María José Ferrada and María Elena Valdez (Illustrator)
Riding Low on the Streets of Gold: Latino Literature for Young Adults
By Judith Ortiz Cofer (Editor)
Yes! We Are Latinos: Poems and Prose about the Latino Experience
By Alma Flor Ada, F. Isabel Campoy, David Diaz (Illustrator)
Spanish version available: Si! Somos Latinos
The Afro-Latin Reader: History and Culture in the United States
By Miriam Jimenez Roman (Editor), Juan Flores (Editor)
The Other Side: Stories of Central American Teen Refugees Who Dream of Crossing the Border
By Juan Pablo Villalobos
The Poet Slave of Cuba: A Biography of Juan Francisco Manzano
By Margarita Engle, Sean Qualls (Illustrator)
Chicana Movidas: New Narratives of Activism and Feminism in the Movement Era
By María Eugenia Cotera, Dionne Espinoza, and Maylei Blackwell
Power to the Poor: Black-Brown Coalition and the Fight for Economic Justice, 1960-1974
By Gordon Keith Mantler
Revolutionary Women of Texas and Mexico: Portraits of Soldaderas, Saints, and Subversives
Edited by Kathy Sosa, Ellen Riojas Clark, and Jennifer Speed
Teaching Gloria E. Anzaldúa: Pedagogy and Practice for Our Classrooms and Communities
Edited by Margaret Cantú-Sánchez, Candace de León-Zepeda, and Norma Elia Cantú
Not recommended
- A Bike Like Sergio's by Maribeth Boelts
- Best Mariachi in the World by J. D. Smith
- The Woman Who Outshone the Sun by Alejandro Cruz Martinez
Learn about our criteria for selecting titles at Social Justice Books. Feedback on these lists and suggestions for additional titles are welcome.
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