Note, in the list below:
- 5 stars corresponds to green light, “Recommended”
- 3 stars corresponds to yellow light, “Recommended with caveat”
- 1 star corresponds to red light,”Not recommended”
- I Am Jazz by Jessica Herthel, Jazz Jennings - ★★★★★
- My Shadow Is Purple by Scott Stuart - ★★★★★
- The Other Boy by M. G. Hennessey - ★★★★★
- The Music of What Happens by Bill Konigsberg - ★★★★★
- They, She, He, Me by Maya Christina Gonzalez, Matthew Sg - ★★★★★
- Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera - ★★★★★
- 10,000 Dresses by Marcus Ewert - ★★★★★
- Ziggy, Stardust and Me by James Brandon - ★
- Troublemaker for Justice by Jacqueline Houtman, Walter Naegle, Michael G. Long - ★★★★★
- Baby's First Words by Stella Blackstone, Sunny Scribens - ★★★★★
- Calvin by Vanessa Ford, JR Ford - ★★★★★
- Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde - ★★★★★
- The Many Half-Lived Lives of Sam Sylvester by Maya MacGregor - ★★★★★
- A Queer History of the United States for Young People by Michael Bronski - ★★★★★
- Jack (Not Jackie) by Erica Silverman - ★★★
- The Rainbow Parade by Emily Neilson - ★★★★★
- Shine by Lauren Myracle - ★★★★★
- When Aidan Became a Brother by Kyle Lukoff - ★★★★★
- She/He/They/Me by Robyn Ryle - ★★★★★
- The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth - ★
- Stonewall by Rob Sanders - ★
- Sparkle Boy by Lesléa Newman - ★★★★★
- The Moon Within by Aida Salazar - ★★★★★
- My Rainbow by DeShanna Neal, Trinity Neal - ★★★★★
- The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo - ★★★★★
- Love, Violet by Charlotte Sullivan Wild - ★★★★★