Reviewed by Beverly Slapin Review Source: De Colores: The Raza Experience in Books for Children Book Author: It’s the school year of 1969-1970. “The Vietnam War,” known in Vietnam as “The American War,” has been raging for 15 years. The US is continuing to drop millions of tons of bombs on three small countries. US soldiers […]
Merci Suarez Changes Gears
Reviewed by Lyn Miller-Lachmann Review Source: De Colores: The Raza Experience in Books for Children Book Author: It’s the beginning of Mercedes (Merci) Suarez’s sixth grade year, and right away she notices big changes. There’s a new boy in class, just moved to South Florida from Minnesota, and Merci has been assigned to be his […]
Hearts Unbroken
Reviewed by Debbie Reese Review Source: American Indians in Children’s Literature Book Author: I’ll start by echoing the title of this post. I highly recommend Cynthia Leitich Smith’s Hearts Unbroken. Lou, the main character, is a senior in high school. There’s a lot in here that I love, for several reasons. There are spoilers below, so you might […]
A Bike Like Sergio’s
Reviewed by Beverly Slapin Review Source: De Colores Book Author: “Every kid has a bike but me,” says our sorrowful young narrator, who longingly watches his friends having the fun he is denied. Ruben especially dreams of having a bike just like that of his oblivious friend, Sergio, who rides his new one while Ruben breathlessly runs […]
Alma and How She Got Her Name
Also available in Spanish: Alma y cómo obtuvo su nombre Reviewed by Sierra Kling Review Source: Reading Is Resistance Book Author: Born in Lima, Perú, Juana Martinez-Neal incorporates her Latinx culture into her debut author/ illustrator book, Alma and How She Got Her Name, published in both Spanish and English! This is a pleasant read because […]
42 Is Not Just a Number
Reviewed by Don Allen Review Source: Teaching for Change Book Author: For many kids, sports can be a window into the injustices that have desecrated the American democratic experiment, since its beginnings. I was one of those kids. I loved sports and I lived in a town and attended a school that lacked diversity. I […]