Reviewed by Lidwien Kapteijns Review Source: Africa Access Book Author: This historical novel for young adult readers is a remarkable achievement. First of all, the novel has a great plot. It is set in Ethiopia during the Italian-Ethiopian war of 1935-1936, which in East Africa ushered in World War II. Its main characters are two […]
Bird in a Box
Reviewed by Edith Campbell Review Source: Cotton Quilts Book Author: Bird in a Box is a story set in 1936 during the Great Depression. Otis, Hibernia, and Willie each tell their stories in alternating chapters. Hibernia likes singing just as her mother did. Her mother followed her passion and left Hernia and her father years […]
Waiting for the Biblioburro
Reviewed by Katie Seitz Review Source: Teaching for Change Book Author: In Colombia, internal conflict between paramilitaries and guerrilla groups ebbs and flows, exacerbated by political upheaval and the drug trade. In the north of Colombia, in a rural area controlled mainly by paramilitaries, and still under threat of violence and repression, a former schoolteacher […]
Biblioburro: A True Story from Colombia
Reviewed by Katie Seitz Review Source: Teaching for Change Book Author: In Colombia, internal conflict between paramilitaries and guerrilla groups ebbs and flows, exacerbated by political upheaval and the drug trade. In the north of Colombia, in a rural area controlled mainly by paramilitaries, and still under threat of violence and repression, a former schoolteacher […]
Best Mariachi in the World
Reviewed by Beverly Slapin Review Source: DeColores Book Author: This title was published in hardcover and paperback, in English-only, Spanish-only, and what the publisher labels “Bilingual—with mostly English and concept words in Spanish formats.” (For those who may not know—apparently including the publisher—a bilingual book contains the complete text in two languages.) Summary: “Gustavo wants […]
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
Review Source: READING (AS)(I)AN AMERICAN Book Author: Note: I read this book as part of the #DiversityDecBingo reading challenge. You can find out more about it here. My Summary: Aristotle and Dante are as different as night and day. Aristotle envies Dante’s talents, confidence, and openness. He feels inferior. He feels lonely. He feels lost. However, when they […]