Elementary | Middle School / Young Adult Fiction | YA / Adult Nonfiction

Here are books for children, young adults, and adults dealing with police brutality in the United States. This list demonstrates the scarcity of good titles for children and families. Let us know if you have books that you recommend we add to this list.
In addition to the titles below, we recommend reading:
- Oakland Public Library: Evaluating Children’s Books about Police: a toolkit for librarians and other evaluators of children’s literature
- Zinn Education Project: Teach the History of Policing
Additional Titles on Policing Are on the Incarceration Book List.
Titles with reviews on this site are noted with an asterisk(*).
Can We Please Give the Police Department to the Grandmothers? *
By Junauda Petrus and Kristen Uroda (Illustrator)
A Place Inside of Me: A Poem to Heal the Heart
By Zetta Elliott and Noa Denmon (Illustrator)
Say Their Names
By Caroline Brewer
Middle School / Young Adult Fiction
I Am Alfonso Jones *
By Tony Medina, Stacey Robinson (Illustrator), and John Jennings (Illustrator), foreword by Bryan Stevenson
#Sayhername: Black Women's Stories of Police Violence and Public Silence
Edited by African American Policy Forum, and Kimberlé Crenshaw, foreword by Janelle Monáe
The Torture Machine: Racism and Police Violence in Chicago
By Flint Taylor
We Still Here: Pandemic, Policing, Protest, and Possibility *
By Marc Lamont Hill and Frank Barat, with a forward by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
When They Call You a Terrorist (Young Adult Edition): A Story of Black Lives Matter and the Power to Change the World
By Patrisse Khan-Cullors and Asha Bandele
Teaching for Change carefully selects multicultural and social justice books for children, young adults, and educators. Learn about our criteria for selecting titles. Feedback on these lists and suggestions for additional titles are welcome. Most of the books on these lists are linked for more information or purchase to Bookshop (an indie bookstore platform). A small percentage from book sales through Bookshop goes to Teaching for Change.