We encourage you to visit the following blogs and websites on multicultural and social justice children’s books. Africa Access Review. An online database with over 1,000 annotations and reviews of children’s books on Africa and the annual Children’s Africana Book Award. American Indians in Children’s Literature (AICL). Established in 2006, AICL provides critical perspectives and analysis of […]
Silver People: Voices from the Panama Canal
Reviewed by: Deborah Menkart Reviewed Source: Zinn Education Project Book Author: Using her trademark style—multiple voices in free verse to share untold historical events —Margarita Engle introduces young readers to the builders of the Panama Canal. The protagonist is Mateo, a young boy from the Caribbean, lured with promises of good pay and work. Instead, […]
The First Rule of Punk
Reviewed by Lettycia Terrones Review Source: Latinos in Kid Lit Book Author: There is a scene half-way through Celia C. Pérez’s brilliant middle-grade novel The First Rule of Punk that pulls so powerfully at the heartstrings of all those who have ever struggled with forming their identity as a minoritized person in the U.S. Having just wrapped up […]
2017 Summer Reading List
For summer reading, Teaching for Change encourages young people to select multicultural and social justice books. Here are some recommendations of new (2016 and 2017) titles. For many more suggestions, see our full collection of recommended booklists and the We’re the People summer reading list. Early Elementary | Middle Grades | Young Adult