Despite the fact that the United States has the highest rate of incarceration in the world, there are very few books available for children and young adults on the topic. In addition, there are not enough books featuring families dealing with incarceration. Books featuring people who are incarcerated and on the prison-industrial complex should be in every school. See this list of teaching activities and articles on incarceration at the Zinn Education Project.
Titles that we recommend are featured below. The ones with reviews are noted with an asterisk (*). Some titles are recommended with a caveat.
Elementary | Middle School | Young Adult | Adult | Learn More
Mama’s Nightingale: A Story of Immigration and Separation*
By Edwidge Danticat, Leslie Staub (Illustrator)
Leaving Lymon
By Lesa Cline-Ransome
Race Against Time: The Untold Story of Scipio Jones and the Battle to Save Twelve Innocent Men
By Sandra Neil Wallace and Rich Wallace
The Sun Does Shine: An Innocent Man, a Wrongful Conviction, and the Long Path to Justice (Young Readers)
By Anthony Ray Hinton with Lara Love Hardin and Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich
The Untold Story of the Real Me: Young Voices from Prison
By Free Minds Book Club and Writing Workshop
Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets Psychiatric Drugs & the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America
By Robert Whitaker
Source documents: Mad in America - Anatomy Source Documents
Assata: An Autobiography
By Assata Shakur with forewords by Angela Davis and Lennox S. Hinds
By New Jersey Prison Theater Cooperative, Chris Hedges (Introduction by), Boris Franklin (Introduction by)
City Time: On Being Sentenced to Rikers Island
By David Campbell and Jarrod Shanahan
Read review on
City of Inmates: Conquest, Rebellion, and the Rise of Human Caging in Los Angeles, 1771-1965
By Kelly Lytle Hernandez
A Continuous Struggle: The Revolutionary Life of Martin Sostre
By Garrett Felber, foreword by Robin D. G. Kelley
Disability Incarcerated: Imprisonment and Disability in the United States and Canada
Edited by Liat Ben-Moshe, Chris Chapman, Allison C. Carey, Foreword by Angela Y. Davis
Dismantling Mass Incarceration: A Handbook for Change
Edited by James Forman, Premal Dharia, and Maria Hawilo
Freedom is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement
By Angela Y. Davis, Frank Barat (Editor), Cornel West (Preface by)
Golden Gulag: Prisons, Surplus, Crisis, and Opposition in Globalizing California
By Ruth Wilson Gilmore
Inside This Place, Not of It: Narratives from Women's Prisons (Voice of Witness)
By Ayelet Waldman (Editor), Robin Levi (Editor), Michelle Alexander (Foreword by)
Jailhouse Lawyers: Prisoners Defending Prisoners V. the USA
By Mumia Abu-Jamal, Angela Y. Davis (Introduction by)
Like a Hammer: Poets on Mass Incarceration
Edited by Diana Marie Delgado, foreword by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
The Long Term: Resisting Life Sentences Working Toward Freedom
By Alice Kim (Editor), Erica Meiners (Editor), Jill Petty (Editor)
Look for Me in the Whirlwind: From the Panther 21 to 21st-Century Revolutions
Edited by déqui kioni-sadiki and Matt Meyer
Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, & the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill
By Robert Whitaker
Documents and more information at: Mad in
Maroon the Implacable: The Collected Writings of Russell Maroon Shoatz
By Russell Maroon Shoatz, edited by Fred Ho and Quincy Saul
Prison by Any Other Name: The Harmful Consequences of Popular Reforms
By Maya Schenwar and Victoria Law
Psychiatric Hegemony: A Marxist Theory of Mental Illness
By Bruce M. Z. Cohen
Critical review: Psychiatric Hegemony
Rattling the Cages: Oral Histories of North American Political Prisoners
Edited by Josh Davidson with Eric King, foreword by Angela Y. Davis, & intro by Sara Falconer
Read the editors' interview on TruthOut
Rethinking the American Prison Movement
By Dan Berger and Toussaint Losier
The Sentences That Create Us: Crafting a Writer's Life in Prison
Edited by Pen America and Caits Meissner
Soteria: Through Madness to Deliverance
By Loren Mosher and Voyce Hendrix
Testimonials: "Schizophrenia" Without Antipsychotic Drugs & The Legacy of Loren Mosher
Worse than Slavery: Parchman Farm and the Ordeal of Jim Crow Justice
By David M. Oshinsky
The Zyprexa Papers
By Jim Gottstein
Reviewed at CounterPunch: The Zyprexa Papers: A Legal System for Drug Companies and Lawyers…Not the Public
Learn about our criteria for selecting and reviewing titles at Social Justice Books. Feedback on these lists and suggestions for additional titles are welcome.
Most of the books on these lists are linked for more information or purchase to Bookshop (an indie bookstore platform). A small percentage from book sales through these links goes to Teaching for Change.