Reviewed by: Sonia Alejandra Rodriguez
Review Source: Latinxs in Kid Lit
Book Author: Jorge Argueta
DESCRIPTION FROM THE BOOK JACKET: Five-year-old Luna isn’t at all sure she wants to go to school. For all she knows, there might be monsters there. But when her loving parents assure her that she’ll have a wonderful time playing and learning, she agrees to give school a try. An understanding teacher and a group of friendly kids make Luna very, very glad she made the right decision. But what about the monsters?
MY TWO CENTS: Five year old Luna Lunita Lunera fears that she will meet monsters on her first day of school. Her adoring parents remind her that she is a big girl now, bigger than the moon, and that there is nothing to fear. She finds the courage she needs to get to school but decides that maybe school is not such a good idea after all. Again, her parents encourage her to find her big girl strength and take her to school. While there, Luna is still not convinced that there are no monsters at her school and hides under a table. Her fellow classmates look for her and ask her to come out and play. Luna joins them in all the singing and coloring and decides that maybe school is not so bad. At pick up, she tells her parents that there were no monsters at school and that tomorrow she will be bigger and stronger than the moon! Continue reading.
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Moony Luna / Luna, Lunita Lunera by Jorge Argueta
on 2005
Genres: Bilingual, Family, School
Pages: 31
Reading Level: Grade K, Grades 1-2, Grades 3-5
ISBN: 9780892392056
Review Source: Latinx in Kid Lit
Also by this author: Salsa, Somos Como Las Nubes / We Are Like the Clouds, A Movie in My Pillow
Publisher's Synopsis: Este es un texto bilingüe. Especialmente dirigido a niños pequeños, hijos de emigrantes. Permite conocer y perfeccionar los idiomas español e inglés. La temática, no obstante, es universal. Aborda la problemática que se vive en la familia cuando el pequeño debe enfrentar su primer día de clases. La situación se vuelve realmente dramática para algunos. Nunca antes habían tenido que separarse durante todo un día del hogar. Los padres deberán minimizar los riesgos del suceso, tratando de que no surjan traumas durante el acontecimiento y que, ojalá, este termine siendo un buen recuerdo infantil. Aquí se aborda con imaginación el tema. Luna, la protagonista del cuento, deberá vivir esa experiencia. La pequeña muchachita da forma a su ansiedad frente a lo desconocido, visualizándola en el horrible monstruo de un cuento que la mamá le leyó la noche anterior.
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