Reviewed by: Africa Access
Review Source: Africa Access
Book Author: Futhi Ntshingila
Life wasn’t always hard for fourteen-year-old Mvelo. There were good times living with her mother and her mother’s lawyer boyfriend. Now her mother is dying of AIDS and the terrible thing that stole Mvelo’s song remains unspoken, despite its growing presence in their shack. But a series of choices, chance meetings, and Shakespearean comedy-style exposures of hidden identities hands Mvelo a golden opportunity to overcome hardship. We Kiss Them With Rain explores both humor and tragedy in this modern-day fairytale set in a squatter camp outside Durban, South Africa, in which the things that seem to be are only a facade, and the things that are revealed and unveiled create a happier, thoroughly believable, alternative. We walk amongst the living We, the departed . . . We wander the earth Wondering about the orphans we left behind We kiss them with rain . . .Continue reading.

We Kiss Them with Rain by Futhi Ntshingila
Published by Catalyst Press on 2018
Genres: Africa
Pages: 172
Reading Level: High School
ISBN: 9781946395047
Review Source: Africa Access
Publisher's Synopsis: The terrible thing that steals 14-year-old Mvelo's song leads to startling revelations and unexpected opportunities.
Life wasn't always this hard for 14-year-old Mvelo. There were good times living with her mother and her mother's boyfriend. Now her mother is dying of AIDS and what happened to Mvelo is the elephant in the room, despite its growing presence in their small shack. In this Shakespeare-style comedy, the things that seem to be are only a façade and the things that are revealed hand Mvelo a golden opportunity to change her fate. We Kiss Them With Rain explores both humor and tragedy in this modern-day fairy tale set in a squatter camp outside of Durban, South Africa.
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