Reviewed by: Beverly Slapin
Review Source: De Colores: The Raza Experience in Books for Children
Book Author: Mario Bencastro
For many immigrants from Central America, part of their journey might be on top of a dangerous, speeding train. They often refer to the train as “La Bestia” (“The Beast”), and pray that they arrive in one piece. Un tren llamado Esperanza / A Train Called Hope is one person’s memory of that train ride.
On the cover, a young child is stretched out on his bed. As he plays with a toy train — a gift from his mother — that crosses “the mountain of (his) pillow into the valley (on his) bed,” the boy dreams about faraway places: big cities, mountains, the Statue of Liberty. The boy we see here is a young adult now, and this toy train was his first present. He imagined then that “the girl in the window looked just like (his) sister.” Continue reading.

Train called Hope by Mario Bencastro
Published by Arte Publico Press on 2021
Genres: Bilingual, Central America, Immigration and Emigration
Reading Level: Grades 3-5
ISBN: 9781518506611
Review Source: De Colores: The Raza Experience in Books for Children
Publisher's Synopsis: This bilingual picture book contrasts a boy's enjoyment of his childhood toy train with his dangerous journey north crowded on a real train in search of family and a better future.
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