Reviewed by Elisa Gall
Review Source: Reading While White
Book Author: Brian Pinkney
The picture book features Henry, a paperboy who is feeling depressed by the headlines in the news. While reading the paper before he makes his deliveries, he finds solace in the comics. He especially loves the story of Mark Steed, a police officer (Black like him) who changes from mortal to superhero when he transfers powers with a falcon and defends the defenseless as “Falconman.” Fiction becomes reality when a sparrow jumps in front of Henry’s bicycle and the two experience a mysterious “ZAP!”
The Adventures of Sparrowboy validates the experience of seeing difficult news, and also engaging in a thrilling escape. It is recommended to any fans of visual narrative, especially those self-identified superhero kids looking for someone new to celebrate. Continue reading.

The Adventures of Sparrowboy by Brian Pinkney
Published by Aladdin on July 1st 2000
Pages: 40
ISBN: 9780689835346
Buy at Powell's Books
Publisher's synopsis: Written and illustrated by Caldecott Honor artist Brian Pinkney, this award-winning story introduces a new superhero -- Sparrowboy, a paperboy who takes the neighborhood under his wing and saves the day.
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