Reviewed by Latinx in Kid Lit
Review Source: Latinx in Kid Lit
Book Author: Laurin Mayeno
One of a Kind Like Me/Único como yo is a book every elementary school should own. It takes the subject of gender identity out of the public discourse, where morality and religion weigh heavily in the debate, and puts it into the personal realm of a young boy named Danny/Danielito. Teaching readers about gender expression from a child’s point of view does exactly what children do best – cut right to the heart of the matter. Continue reading.

One of a Kind, Like Me / Unico Como Yo by Laurin Mayeno
Published by A K PressINC on August 20th 2016
Pages: 32
ISBN: 9780985351410
Buy at Powell's Books
Publisher's Synopsis: Tomorrow is the school parade, and Danny knows exactly what he will be: a princess. Mommy supports him 100%, and they race to the thrift store to find his costume. It s almost closing time will Danny find the costume of his dreams in time? One of A Kind, Like Me / Unico como yo is a sweet story about unconditional love and the beauty of individuality. It s a unique book that lifts up children who don t fit gender stereotypes, and reflects the power of a loving and supportive community.
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