Review Source: Rethinking Schools
Book Author: Lindsay H. Metcalf, Keila V. Dawson, Jeanette Bradley
Now it is our time.
Our new generation
will not give up
this sacred struggle.
It is for our lives,
for all of our relations.
These ending lines from the poem “Jasilyn Charger: Water Protector” by Joseph Bruchac in No Voice Too Small offer a glimpse into the rich simplicity of a book brimming with examples of young people’s activism, beautiful poetry, and teaching possibilities. In this picture book collection, readers are introduced to 14 young people using a variety of activism strategies to make the world more just, including Ziad Ahmed, Samirah Horton, Jazz Jennings, Judy Adams, Adora Svitak, Viridiana Sanchez Santos, and Marley Dias.
Each biographical profile consists of a poem accompanied by a paragraph about the young person’s activism, a portrait, and a related activism tip. The biographical poems are written by poets who share some aspect of the young activist’s identity; poets’ bios and connections are included at the back of the book. The book’s YouTube channel includes video resources such as poetry readings and writing lessons by contributing poets such as Janet Wong, G. Neri, Charles Waters, and Nikki Grimes.

No Voice Too Small by Lindsay H. Metcalf, Keila V. Dawson, Jeanette Bradley
Published by Charlesbridge Publishing on 2020
Genres: Activism
Pages: 40
Reading Level: Grades 1-2, Grades 3-5
ISBN: 9781623541316
Review Source: Rethinking Schools
Publishers Synopsis: Fans of We Rise, We Resist, We Raise Our Voices will love meeting fourteen young activists who have stepped up to make change in their community and the United States.
Mari Copeny demanded clean water in Flint. Jazz Jennings insisted, as a transgirl, on playing soccer with the girls' team. From Viridiana Sanchez Santos's quinceañera demonstration against anti-immigrant policy to Zach Wahls's moving declaration that his two moms and he were a family like any other, No Voice Too Small celebrates the young people who know how to be the change they seek. Fourteen poems honor these young activists. Featuring poems by Lesléa Newman, Traci Sorell, and Nikki Grimes. Additional text goes into detail about each youth activist's life and how readers can get involved.
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