Reviewed by Martha Stackhouse
Review Source: American Indians in Children’s Literature
Book Author: Barbara M. Joosse
The story has to have been after contact because the pictures are very colorful and the atikjuks, the outer part of the parka, are made from cloth. In looking at the pictures, the maklaks appear to be soft sole, where we mostly use hard crimped soles. The strings on the maklaks are tied forward, when we tie them towards the back. The mother also is wearing feathers in her braids. I have never seen an Inupiaq woman wear feathers before. This may be a cultural blend with the Interior Indians. Continue reading.

Mama, Do You Love Me? by Barbara M. Joosse
Published by Chronicle Books on July 1st 1998
Pages: 24
ISBN: 9780811821315
Buy at Powell's Books
Publisher's Synopsis: This beloved story of a child testing the limits of her independence, and a mother who reassuringly proves that a parents love is unconditional and everlasting is a perfect first book for toddlers.
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