Reviewed by Beverly Slapin
Review Source: De Colores: The Raza Experience in Books for Children
Book Author: Susan Jaramillo
Based on the popular Latin American children’s song, “Los Esqueletos Salen de la Tumba” (“The Skeletons Come Out of the Tomb”), in which activities change from hour to hour, Esqueletitos is an interactive how-to-tell-time counting rhyme that features a clock with moveable hands on the inside front cover. Continue reading.

Little Skeletons/ Esqueletitos by Susan Jaramillo
Published by Encantos Media on August 8th 2017
Genres: Bilingual, Folklore, Latinx, Mathematics
Pages: 22
Reading Level: Early Childhood, Grade K
ISBN: 9781945635069
Review Source: De Colores: The Raza Experience in Books for Children
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Publisher's synopsis: Book five in the Canticos series of bilingual nursery rhymes - perfect for Halloween and Day of the Dead. Little Skeletons / Esqueletitos is a Day of the Dead-themed take on the traditional Latin American song Los Esqueletitos (Calaveras) Salen de la Tumba, with art inspired by the famous Mexican Calavera woodcut prints. A moveable clock at the start of the book will tempt little fingers to change the time along with the story, while increasing numbers of tiny skeletons beg to be counted. Like other books in the Canticos series, Little Skeletons / Esqueletitos has a unique, interactive, accordion design that presents the Spanish version of the book in one direction and its English adaptation in the other. Children can sing the song straight through, move the hands of the clock, or shut off the lights to watch the little skeletons glow in the dark!
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