Reviewed by Beverly Slapin
Review Source: DeColores
Book Author: Ann Berlak
On April 15, 2015—little more than three months ago—about one million people across the country pulled off the largest demonstration of its kind in US history. The struggle, known as the “Fight for 15,” involved Walmart workers, fast-food workers, child care workers, home health workers, janitorial workers, and other underpaid workers—who, along with their many allies—demanded a minimum wage of $15 per hour and union rights for all.
While world attention is focused on labor’s monumental “Fight for 15” struggle, Joelito’s Big Decision / La Gran Decisión de Joelito couldn’t have been published at a better time. Continue reading.

Joelito's Big Decision by Ann Berlak
Illustrator: Daniel Camacho
Published by Hard Ball Press on September 1st 2015
Genres: Economic Class, Labor, Latinx
Pages: 39
Reading Level: Grades 1-2, Grades 3-5
ISBN: 9780986240096
Review Source: De Colores: The Raza Experience in Books for Children
Publisher's Synopsis: Joelito tells the story of ten-year old Joelito, who learns about the struggle for economic justice as he heads toward the door of MacMann's Burger Restaurant for his regular Friday-night family dinner. When he finds his best friend standing outside MacMann's with his parents protesting for higher wages, Joelito has to choose between a juicy burger and standing with his friend.
Joelito's Big Decision was created for children who want to understand their social world, for teachers who want to engage their students in lively discussions about social justice, and for parents, grandparents, librarians, booksellers and others who want children to inhabit a more just and joyful future. The book is published by Hardball Press, a small, independent publisher dedicated to promoting social justice.
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