Reviewed by Debbie Reese
Review Source: American Indians in Children’s Literature
Book Author: Margaret Manuel
I See Me by Margaret Manuel is one of those books that can be personalized by its owner. For example, the text on the first page is “I see me AWAKE.” Beneath that sentence is a blank line for me to write the Tewa word for awake. What language will you use on your copy?
The child shown on the cover is on each page. Some pages are about the things all babies do (smile, cry) and some are things specific to Native cultures.
The cover page, for example, shows the baby with a drum. See the drumstick?
(Note to authors and illustratiors… Native peoples in the US and Canada use drumsticks rather than hands to drum.) Continue reading.

I See Me by Margaret Manuel
Published by Limited on 12/11/2009
Genres: American Indians, First Nations, Metis, Inuit
Pages: 14
Reading Level: Early Childhood
ISBN: 9781894778855
Review Source: American Indians in Children's Literature
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SYNOPSIS: Eating and sleeping are two popular pastimes for babies, but that's not all they do. I See Me provides a tender snapshot of what an infant's day--or hour--might look like. Each adorable image includes an English caption with space below for parents to translate the word into their own language.
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