Reviewed by Beverly Slapin
Review Source: DeColores
Book Author: J. D. Smith
This title was published in hardcover and paperback, in English-only, Spanish-only, and what the publisher labels “Bilingual—with mostly English and concept words in Spanish formats.”
(For those who may not know—apparently including the publisher—a bilingual book contains the complete text in two languages.)
Summary: “Gustavo wants to be in the family mariachi band [sic], but he cannot play the violines [sic], trumpets or guitars. He finds his place in the band with his singing talent.”
The book’s message is something about a little kid (literally) “finding his voice.” Continue reading.

Best Mariachi in the World by J. D. Smith
Illustrator: Dani Jones
Published by Raven Tree Press on 2008
Genres: Latinx, Music
Pages: 32
Reading Level: Grade K
ISBN: 9780979446245
Review Source: De Colores: The Raza Experience in Books for Children
Publisher's synopsis: Gustavo's family has a mariachi band and everyone except Gustavo is in it. Follow him as he finds his place in the family business. Bilingual presentation with embedded text with story told mostly in English and sprinkling a Spanish throughout.
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