Reviewed by Deborah Menkart
Review Source: Teaching for Change
Book Author: Katie Kissinger
Katie Kissinger is the author of the popular bilingual picture book All the Colors We Are: The Story of How We Get Our Skin Color. Her new book is an invaluable guide for teachers on how to address race and other issues in the classroom—including gender, class, physical ability, and different kinds of families.
Based on decades of firsthand experience, each chapter includes vivid descriptions of classroom practice and explanations of the issues that are steeped in research yet written in lay terms. At the end of each chapter are guided tasks or questions. These are offered at three levels: beginner, ally, and activist. Recommended for early childhood teachers and parents.
Teaching for Change offers many more anti-bias education resources and free downloadable articles.

Anti-Bias Education in the Early Childhood Classroom by Katie Kissinger
Published by Routledge on March 27th 2017
Genres: Early Childhood Anti-Bias, Education
Pages: 194
Reading Level: Teachers and Parents
ISBN: 9781317229803
Review Source: Teaching for Change
Buy at Powell's Books
Also by this author: All the Colors We are
Publisher's synopsis: Anti-Bias Education in the Early Childhood Classroom provides a useful, clearly outlined guide for implementing anti-bias and anti-oppression practices in early childhood education settings. Throughout the book, you’ll find:
Stories from the field
Strategies for keeping teaching practices in touch with growing social justice movements
Tasks and questions to spark your professional growth in this important areaKatie Kissinger uses her personal experience as a longtime educator to highlight both the challenges and the potential for transformative learning in the anti-bias classroom, and gives other teachers the tools they need to create classrooms that welcome all students and families.
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