Reviewed by Beverly Slapin
Review Source: De Colores: The Raza Experience in Books for Children
Book Author: Holly Ayala, Elizabeth Gómez
On the front cover, raised lettering in glossy relief — large ABCs on which two Indigenous children climb — invites young readers to touch the painted block letters similar to the wood block letters that El Salvador is known for. And as they “visit” the country and towns in El Salvador, the carefully crafted ABC format shows them aspects of rural life and some history as well.
Within the country of El Salvador, the author highlights the city of San Salvador and the town of Santo Domingo de Guzman (Witzapan). Here, youngsters from el Norte will get to meet Xiomara and her familia — and learn about some history and culture of El Salvador.
In the voice of Xiomara, a young Indigenous Salvadoreña, this beyond beautiful abcdario is about and especially for the children of El Salvador, who will see themselves reflected here. The child’s mixed family has darker and lighter complexions.
The author highlights the city of San Salvador and the town of Santo Domingo. When she is in the city, Xiomara wears an orange shirt with a green skirt. When she is in the town, she wears a blue shirt with a red skirt. And a few times, she is in athletic clothes. Kevin wears his soccer outfit with ES and A for Alianza (his favorite soccer team). Continue reading.

ABC El Salvador by Holly Ayala, Elizabeth Gómez
Published by Lunas Press Books on May 14, 2021
Genres: Central America, Spanish
Reading Level: Early Childhood, Grade K
ISBN: 9780964120358
Review Source: De Colores: The Raza Experience in Books for Children
Publisher's synopsis: With this fun, unique ABC book, learning-to-readers will travel with Xiomara and her brother Kevin to some of their favorite places in El Salvador. Spanish and Indigenous-influenced Salvadoran words, with beautifully painted illustrations by award-winning illustrator Elizabeth Gómez, will guide children through the culture, history and traditions that make Salvadorans proud.
Con este divertido y especial abecedario, los primeros lectores de aprendizaje viajarán con Xiomara y su hermano Kevin por algunos de sus lugares favoritos en El Salvador. Las palabras en español y salvadoreñas de influencia indígena, con ilustraciones bellamente pintadas por la premiada ilustradora Elizabeth Gómez, guiarán a los niños a través de la cultura, la historia y las tradiciones que enorgullecen a los salvadoreños.
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